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This month the ISEH will be welcoming back some 70 or so students onto the MSc in Sports Medicine, Exercise and Health. Course leader and ISEH consultant Dr Eleanor Tillett talks about and gives an insight in the course:

"We take a large breadth of students as compared to other programmes in this area - our philosophy being that we all work together so why not train together and learn from each other? As such we take post graduate students from clinical (doctors, physios, osteopaths etc) and sports science backgrounds into one course to further their understanding and practice of sport and exercise medicine as related to their discipline.  Students bring their own experiences to the course and can learn about different approaches from their peers and it's great to see these interactions developing over the year.

Students undertake modules in sports injuries of the Lower Limb, Upper Limb and Head, Neck and Spine as well as a module on Advanced Sports Injury and Prevention. There are also modules covering Exercise Physiology, Health and Physical Activity, Team and Event Medicine, Rehabilitation of Sports Injuries and Research Methods. Student also undertake and original research project or have the option of doing PG Diploma if they don't want to do the research. This teaching is all supported by students undertaking a wide variety of clinics to see sports medicine in action.

With the MSc linked so closely with the ISEH we are lucky to have access to not only to great teaching and clinical spaces but also the expertise of a wide range of national (and international) experts who form part of the teaching faculty."

Find out more about the Sports Medicine, Exercise and Health MSc

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